2018 is officially in session, I have only positive consensus for an exciting year ahead. The past year paved the way for multiple cutting-edge projects, for something new. Anyone who knows me well would vouch for my larger than life vivacious personality, my epic imagination, how excited I get to present a new idea and how driven I am when its time to launch a new project. My entrepreneurial mind perpetuates me day and night with such energy, drive and focus that no obstacle, be it through hell or high water is beyond my reach.
I truly believe that it is my personal obligation to enshrine into the universe a positive path for success, to make a difference, to encourage those whom I have the privilege to encounter, and to help them accomplish their ambition. Each new project I adopt is a venture that is true to my heart and is part of a journey I am duty bound to take. It is a calling that has driven me in all that I have accomplished throughout my entire career and brought me right to this moment which shall become a pivotal turning point for the road ahead.
To this extent and after great consideration I have set upon my ambition. The wheels of creative opportunity are in motion and the magical driving force within is conscientiously to work. With every step, my eyes shine brightly with the sparkle of excitement. Breaking out of my comfort zone, laying the foundation, building the bridge of opportunity. Researching, planning, developing, building, executing, marketing, creating, advancing, growing, hiring, learning, teaching, overcoming are but a few of the hurdles that lie ahead.
Some may say I am crazy; I can say at the least, that I am free. I am free of the shackles of the common man, I am free of corporate control, I am free to celebrate and explore my endless potential. I am free to make my own decisions, I am free to build my wealth, and I am free to celebrate my achievements. Freedom is a concept we all think we enjoy; but is a luxury only and truly realized by very few. There is a price for such freedom; the price is willing to make sacrifices, to have vision, to believe in your true potential, to get up when you fall and not be blinded by success.
I have been very fortunate in my career. I have accomplished some remarkable professional victories and have gained wisdom from defeat. I have garnered insight and strength from within and to this day continue to find incredible market gaps which I opportunistically pursue.
Over the holiday season, I launched the re-vamped www.adamcohentoday.com; Phase One of the new Adam Cohen Today brand website. Phase Two with new videos, exciting product updates and more will be published in the Spring. You can subscribe to my mailing list to receive updates and to be entered to win cash give-a-ways, many great prizes and even a new car.